Online Auction Management System

Table of Contents






1.1 Background Information

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Objectives of the project







4.1 Product perspective

4.2 Product function

4.2 User characteristics

4.4 Constraints

4.5 Assumptions and dependencies



5.1 External Interface Requirements

5.2 User Interface Requirements

5.3 Hardware Interface Requirements

5.4 Software Interface Requirements

5.5 Development tools

5.6 Communication Interface Requirements



6.1 Bidder/Seller Login

6.2 User Registration

6.3 Browsing & Database Search

6.4 Chat Option

6.5 Sell Product

6.6 Application Maintenance



7.1 Interactive and Good Performance

7.2 Security

7.3 Reliability



8.1 Introduction

8.2What the system will do

8.3 Problem statement

8.3 Modules



9.1 Declaration

9.2 Individual Contribution



10.1 Introduction

10.2 System development methodology



11.2 Use case Diagram

11.2 State transition Diagram



12.1 Test Scenarios

12.2 Test tools



Roles & responsibility

Project timeline


Online Auction management system is a web based application which will help users to buy or sell item; they can trade anything they want by posting ad. This application will allow users to post their products for auction; bidder can register and can bid for any available product. There are some existing applications that allow users for bidding but the product is not available in your local area, you cannot do inspection of the product that you are going to buy. By online Auction application user will be able to bid for product that is available in his local area.



1.1 Background Information

The internet has become a very important aspect of life today. More than 3 billion people of the world have an access to the internet, which is relatively 45% of the world population. This has increased from 778 million users in the past 15 years which is a great and rapid growth. The number of users is anticipated to reach 60% by the year 2020. With this in mind, the rate at which this large population is seeking to buy items is also on the rise, as many people are seeking advanced and ideal routes of trading services (Clearwater and  Xerox, 2010). Some people spend a lot of money on transportation, using a lot of time of which at the end of the road they might lack to get the desired items which they opted for.

It is open that most people are seeking to buy items every day in most cities and towns, both locally and abroad, desperate if they might get a solution, or a right person to deliver a solution to them. These people end up settling at items or service providers who are conmen or who sell illegal and fake items to the desperate buyers.

On the other hand, there are legit business people and store owners who have quality items in the locality of the auctioneer, but they do not meet for business because the auctioneer is not informed about the items available. This is a great frustration in deed!

This project shall handle this issue by creating an online platform where a user will be able to post items online for auction. The items will accompany item name, selling price, and a picture presentation for the bidder to see (Dutta, and Ramamoorthy, 2009). The bidder, if interested in the item, will auction for the product and will be able to inspect the item physically to approve the product then complete the business with the seller.

This is important since the auctioneer does not necessarily need to make a physical consultation with the seller for him/ her to get the required services (). The auctioneer will have a provision to chat with the seller and consult with him about the details of the product. This chat will be confidential only between the buyer and the seller, ensuring the buyer’s confidentiality.  The customers will be assured of getting the right products, since they will take their time to analyses and compare a range of listed items and choose appropriately according to their need or desire. This will save time that buyers take in search of items and therefore they will save themselves from worsening of conditions which may lead to wastage of time conditions. This will also save money that is spend around travelling and bidding for the undesired items. Bidders will at the end of the day have a reason to smile with this online system.

This system will run on the internet since of the dynamic nature of the internet, and anybody can access it from smartphones, computers, personal digital assistants and many more digital gadgets. This is a sure promise that the system will serve many people in the country, and in the future it will reach out to the whole world.

The system is a forum where the bidders meet their respective product sellers in their locality on the internet to solve the problem of item auctioning.

1.2 Problem Statement

The search for items has always been a mind-chewing activity to most of people in country and in the whole globe. People are always on the go to their renown product supplier, or nearby market center or at times a local hawkers, who goes on to supply items and at times when he cannot get the item the buyer wants, mostly they give their hands to get them items and at times they mess and bring fake and quarks deliver stolen and bad items. This is because unqualified people offer delivery of items to customers.

Due to the disparity of the buyers, cone-men have always taken the advantage to offer item delivery to the customers. Many fake items have found their way into the hands of the people, or buyers remain in the same condition of lack, as they don’t get the right items from the sellers. Sometimes buyers struggle to find the right items, in failure, and they seek to get back to their homes. On the other hand, we have suppliers and business people who are qualified to supply and sell the items yet they have very few people who can come to them, more so in the same locality.

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General objective

To develop an online auction system which will provide a forum for sellers to meet and interact with buyers, and sell items to interested bidders.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

The Online auction management system shall accomplish the following as way of achieving the major goal:

  1. Create an online forum where bidders auction for items posted by the seller through the online system.
  2. Create a panel where by a sellers receives requests from a buyer and sends back a feedback, an answer to a question or requests to meet the bidder.
  3. To implement and test the workability of the newly developed system.



This system is designed as an online web-based application which shall be accessed by any device, either a computer, tablet, iPad, iPhone, mobile phone or PDAs.

This system is targeted to serve primarily my local town, then by more modification it shall serve the whole country where more business enterprises shall have access to the system and finally reach out to the entire globe.


Using this online auction management system, bidders will be able to get connected to the specific sellers who will offer them necessary information and or give hand to sell their items to them. It will help save time and offer quality deliverables to the bidders by quick response and attention services (Gemino and Parker, 2009). This system will replace the manual way of seeking items in the market and travelling long journeys just to get an item yet there are available items just in the neighborhood.

The scope of this application to build a user friendly auctioning website, where user will be able to auctioned any product which is available nearby or anywhere in the world. By using Online Auction management system it will be easy for auctioneer to make an auction and time saving also. By making auction through this application will help to reach maximum of buyers bidding in local area. There will be a feature where bidder and seller can message each other.



To develop an online auction system which will provide a forum for sellers to meet and interact with buyers, and sell items to interested bidders.

The Online auction management system shall accomplish the following as way of achieving the major goal:

To build a user friendly auctioning website, where user will be able to auction any product which is available nearby or anywhere in the world. By using Online Auction management system it will be easy for auctioneer to make an auction and time saving also. By making auction through this application will help to reach maximum of buyers bidding in local area. There will be a feature where bidder and seller can message each other.Create a panel where by a sellers receives requests from a buyer and sends back a feedback, an answer to a question or requests to meet the bidder.

To implement and test the workability of the newly developed system.



4.1 Product perspective

The product is a web based system implementing client-server model under the GNU general Public License. The following are the main features;

  1. Cross platform support – it offers operation support for most of the known and commercial operating systems including windows operating system, X operating system, Linux operating system, android operating system, chrome operating system etc.
  2. User accounts – this system allows the system users to create system accounts, view and update their profiles.
  3. Users supported in the system – the system support quite a large number of users at one time.
  4. Search – it is a local search engine based on finding key words.
  5. Chat platform – the system allows the users and the seller of products to chat through an inbuilt chat platform feature.

4.2 Product function

  1. Enable the users to view posted products in their locality and close proximity
  2. Enable creation of accounts and logging in to the accounts
  3. Enable users to logout of their accounts
  4. Provide interface for the administrator to view the transactions, add sellers and regions to the system.
  5. The sellers should also have accounts where they will receive the customer orders and respond to them.

4.2 User characteristics

The system requires that the users be equipped with overall internet knowledge and the gadget accessing it. The administrator is expected to have more skills with the interface of the tech support system. The sellers should also have skills of well analyzing and navigating the internet usage and be able to handle customers who may not be so familiar with the internet.

4.4 Constraints

The choice of the database to use should be considered carefully, since there will be a lot of data traffic and the large amounts of data will also judge the database. A good database will yield speed querying of data.

The browser used should support HTML5 to satisfy user experience.

The device should be enabled with internet

4.5 Assumptions and dependencies

The system highly relies on browsers that support HTML5 sites, the users with older versions of browsers of incompatible ones will need to upgrade to the newer browser versions.



5.1 External Interface Requirements

The application ought to be web based.

System feature should be improved for better execution

5.2 User Interface Requirements

Simple Graphical user interface (GUI) for easy navigating through the program

Easy to update profile and items

Dynamically configurable interface

Search functions

Appealing to the eye through coloration and pictorial presentation

5.3 Hardware Interface Requirements

Processor speed of 0.5 Ghz or more for mobile gadgets

Processor speed of 1.5ghz or more for desktop and computer gadgets

Ram of 500mb and above for all devices

Free storage memory capacity of more than 100mb

5.4 Software Interface Requirements

Windows/ android/ Linux/ mac/ chrome or any other operating system

Mozilla Firefox / Google chrome / opera mini / UC browser or internet explorer

5.5 Development tools

  1. MySQL database
  2. Visual Studio IDE
  3. Entity framework
  4. Source tree
  5. Resharper
  6. Git Hub
  7. moqups

5.6 Communication Interface Requirements

  1. Internet connectivity



Functional requirements for the online auction management system have been developed to make sure that the functionalities and functional aspects of the system are met.


FR1. System will allow the user to login.

FR3. System will verify the user name and password.

FR4. System will not allow user to login with invalid username or password.

FR5. System will be able to remember username and password.


Registration or create account:

         FR6. System will allow users to create account.


Browsing and database search:

FR7. System will allow user to search products that are available for auction.

FR8. System shall display the result.

FR9. System will allow the bidder to bid on desired product.


My Auction:

FR10. System will allow users to post the ad for product they want to sell.

FR11. System will allow users view their active bids (that are in progress).

FR12. System will allow user to view their expired bids.


Purchase History:

FR13. System will allow the user to view their purchase history.

6.1 Bidder/Seller Login

The user interface and the source code for this requirement have been finished. The unit testing and functional testing activities need to be done.

Figure 1.1 Login process

The users with the user type as bidder or seller will be able to log in to the system.

6.2 User Registration

In case of the absence of the user id and password, the user will be able to register themselves in the system. The user interface and the source code for this requirement have to be finished.

Figure 1.2 Account registration process

This will allow a user to register with the online auction management system.

6.3 Browsing & Database Search

The database will include the products that are available for auction and the user will be able to see the products browsing through the database. The admin may also search for a user using the search option. 

Figure 1.3 Active listings

This will allow the users to search results on the basis of the keyword entered.

6.4 Chat Option

The bidder and seller will be given the ability to chat with each other regarding a specific product. The source code and user interface for the functionality have been done while the unit testing and other testing activities are pending.

Figure 1.4 Chat

This will allow the bidder and seller to connect with each other.

6.5 Sell Product

Progress: The user can use this option to post the advertisement on the website for a particular product that is to be sold. The details of the product will be put in to the template provided for the advertisement. The UI aspects for the functionality have been created while the source code and conduction of testing activities are pending.

Figure 1.5 all listings

This will allow the user to post and advertisement on the website for selling the product.

6.6 Application Maintenance

Progress: The installation of the updates and patches along with the maintenance of the website. It is an ongoing requirement that will continue even after the release of the website (Shavit and Teichner, 2011).

RAT: To allow the admin to install updates and patches for the site and maintain the quality of the website.

Requirement Description
Bidder, seller login and new Registration Bidder sign in, sign up , forgot password
Browsing, database search User can browse the products that are available for sale
Chat option Bidder and seller can chat with each other
Sell product User can post ad of the product he wants to sell.
Application maintenance The Admin will manage the application quality

Table 1.1 Application description



7.1 Interactive and Good Performance

The website for online auction management system shall have the following abilities and capabilities.

NFR1. The responsiveness of the website shall be high and the website shall behave as per the user action.

NFR2. The user shall be acknowledged in the form of visual changes or feedback on the site to enhance the interaction

NFR3. The response time and throughput time on the site shall be minimal

NFR4. Consistency on the website shall be maintained across all the web pages

The layout of the site shall be kept simple and must be self-explanatory

7.2 Security

NFR5. The website shall offer secure login option to the users to avoid unauthorized access to the system and the information

NFR6. Advanced access control shall be included in the site

NFR7. Advanced encryption algorithms must be integrated in the site to avoid misuse of the data sets.

NFR8. Technical controls, such as anti-malware, anti-denial, and intrusion detection tools shall be integrated with the site.

7.3  Reliability

NFR9. The web site shall provide the users with valid information at all times.



8.1 Introduction

This project is an online platform where a user will be able to post items online for auction. The items will accompany item name, selling price, and a picture presentation for the bidder to see. The bidder, if interested in the item, will auction for the product and will be able to inspect the item physically to approve the product then complete the business with the seller.

This is important since the auctioneer does not necessarily need to make a physical consultation with the seller for him/ her to get the required services. The auctioneer will have a provision to chat with the seller and consult with him about the details of the product (Lin, Janamanchi and Huang, 2010). This chat will be confidential only between the buyer and the seller, ensuring the buyer’s confidentiality.  The customers will be assured of getting the right products, since they will take their time to analyses and compare a range of listed items and choose appropriately according to their need or desire. This will save time that buyers take in search of items and therefore they will save themselves from worsening of conditions which may lead to wastage of time conditions. This will also save money that is spend around travelling and bidding for the undesired items. Bidders will at the end of the day have a reason to smile with this online system.

8.2What the system will do

This system will run on the internet since of the dynamic nature of the internet, and anybody can access it from smartphones, computers, personal digital assistants and many more digital gadgets (Zwikael, 2009). This is a sure promise that the system will serve many people in the country, and in the future it will reach out to the whole world.

The system is a forum where the bidders meet their respective product sellers in their locality on the internet to solve the problem of item auctioning.

8.3 Problem statement

The search for items has always been a mind-chewing activity to most of people in country and in the whole globe. People are always on the go to their renown product supplier, or nearby market center or at times a local hawkers, who goes on to supply items and at times when he cannot get the item the buyer wants, mostly they give their hands to get them items and at times they mess and bring fake and quarks deliver stolen and bad items. This is because unqualified people offer delivery of items to customers (Fageha and Aibinu,  2013). Due to the disparity of the buyers, cone-men have always taken the advantage to offer item delivery to the customers. Many fake items have found their way into the hands of the people, or buyers remain in the same condition of lack, as they don’t get the right items from the sellers. Sometimes buyers struggle to find the right items, in failure, and they seek to get back to their homes . On the other hand, we have suppliers and business people who are qualified to supply and sell the items yet they have very few people who can come to them, more so in the same locality.

8.3 Modules

8.3.1 Login and new registration

The login and new registration module will allow existing users to login using their credentials and also new users can join the application using new registration option. So that, every user can see the items that are posted for auction or available for bidding.

8.3.2 Browsing and data base management

The Browsing and database management module is for browsing all the products that are available for sale or bidding.

8.3.3 My Auction

In my Auction module user can see product that they have posted for auction. User can view or delete the product. User can also view his auction that has been expired.

8.3.4 Purchase history

The users can the history of the product that have bought.

8.3.5 Chat module

In this module user of this web based application will be able to communicate with each other. For example buyer and seller can communicate with each other using private chat box.



9.1 Declaration

I hereby declare that apart from references hereby acknowledged, this document is a result of self-commitment. The document is authentic and has not been in any case presented elsewhere for any Educational award (Kamau, 2015). The outcome of the work is copyrighted only to us.

9.2 Individual Contribution


  • To design the user interface of the website in the form of UI aspects and wireframes
  • To assist the web developer in the development of the source code
  • To develop and design the diagrams that may be required in the development activities

Asad Ishtiaq

  • Back-end coding and development for the application
  • Syncing of the back end and the front end
  • Security of the database and conduction of verification and validation activities to make sure that the database is secure


  • Front end coding of the website as per the functional and non-functional specifications
  • Development of the project schedule, budget, and scope management plan (Milunovic and Filipovic, 2013).
  • Management of project team and communication
  • Project control and closure activities



10.1 Introduction

In order to achieve the objectives of coming up with the online auction management system, the preliminary investigation about the workability of the software is necessary and need to be carried out first (Sanchez, Robert,  Bourgault, and Pellerin, 2009). This will equip me with the relevant materials and knowledge on how to carry out the implementation.

10.2 System development methodology

10.2.1 Activity diagram

Activity diagram provides a graphical representation of various activities that are carried out in an application. A clear overview of the online auction management website will be provided from the beginning till the end (Maltzman, 2008). The workflow of the activities and their dependencies with each other during the execution of the tasks and processes is shown in the activity diagram. The major functionalities of the site have been depicted using the diagram as shown below.

New user registration

Figure 1.6 User registration

10.2.2 Bidding process

Figure 1.7 Bidding process



Activity diagrams are one of the tools that were used in the fulfillment of the projects objectives.

Various activity diagrams were used to illustrate the flow of activities of given subsystem and the flow of activities of the entire application. Following are some prototypes of Auction management system application. This is prototype for the login page.

Figure 1.8 Login

This is protype for browse auction page.

Figure 1.9 Browse Auction

This is prototype for My Auction page where the detail of product will be available.

Figure 1.10 My Auction

11.2 Use case Diagram

It is extremely significant to understand the needs of the user in a project. Use case diagram assists in defining the user requirements and needs. It also shows the interaction between the system users and the system itself which allows easier designing and development activities. The users for online auction management web site will be bidder, seller, or admin (Konia, 2007). The actors involved in the use case diagram will be the system, bidder, seller, or admin. They will perform the various activities as illustrated in the functional requirements section.

Figure 1.11 Signup process

11.2 State transition Diagram

State transition Diagram is a graphical representation of the states and events that are involved in a particular system. In case of the occurrence of a specific event, such as user log-in, or database search, the state of the system will change. The states and events that will be involved in this case have been shown in the diagram below.

Figure 1.12 state transition diagram.

11.3 Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram is graphical representation of the whole system, that how the bidder and seller will login. How the user will create the auction, the request will go to the auction manager then it will return back with the result. Same with the bid placement auction manager will send request to auction and auction will update the status of the product.



Test Scenario ID Login-1 Test Case ID Login-1A
Test Case Description Login – Positive test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite A valid user account Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:
Test no Action Inputs Expected Output Actual Output Test Browser Test Result Test Comments
1 Launch application https://localhost:8080/onlineauctionsystem/login Online Auction Management System Home Online Auction Management System Home Firefox -58 Pass [Ajay 10/7/2018 11:44 AM]: Launch successful
2 Enter correct Email & Password and hit login button Email id : 


Password: ******

Login success Login success Firefox -58 Pass [Ajay 10/7/2018 11:45 AM]: Login successful

12.1 Test Scenarios

Test Scenario ID Login-1 Test Case ID Login-1B
Test Case Description Login – Negative test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite NA Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:
Test no Action Inputs Expected Output Actual Output Test Browser Test Result Test Comments
1 Launch application https://localhost:8080/onlineauctionsystem/login/ Online Auction Management System Home Online Auction Management System Home Firefox -58 Pass [Soumith10/7/2016 11:44 AM]: Launch successful
2 Enter invalid Email & any Password and hit login button Email id : 

Password: ******

The email address that you’ve entered doesn’t match any account.  Sign up for an account. The email address that you’ve entered doesn’t match any account. Sign up for an account. Firefox -58 Pass [Soumith 10/7/2018 11:45 AM]: Invalid login attempt stopped
3 Enter valid Email & incorrect Password and hit login button Email id : 

Password: ******

The password that you’ve entered is incorrect. Forgotten password? The password that you’ve entered is incorrect. Forgotten password? Firefox -58 Pass [Soumith 10/7/2018 11:46 AM]: Invalid login attempt stopped
Test Scenario ID Auction – 1 Test Case ID Auction – 1A
Test Case Description Auction for an item  – Positive test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite Auction Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:
Test no Action Inputs Expected Output Actual Output Test Browser Test Result Test Comments
1 Launch orders pager https://localhost:8080/onlineauctionsystem/listings/ Online Auction Management System listings page Online Auction Management System listings page Firefox -58 Pass [Asad 10/7/2018 11:44 AM]: Launch successful
2 Select an item to bid Quantity of items to buy Order successful Order successful Firefox -58 Pass [Asad 10/7/2018 11:45 AM]: Order successful
Test Scenario ID Auction – 1 Test Case ID Login-1B
Test Case Description Auction for an item  – Negative test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite NA Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:
Test no Action Inputs Expected Output Actual Output Test Browser Test Result Test Comments
1 Launch application https://localhost:8080/onlineauctionsystem/listings/ Online Auction Management System listings page Online Auction Management System listings page Firefox -58 Pass [Ajay 10/7/2018 11:44 AM]: Order successful
2 Enter an ambiguous quantity Quantity of items to buy The amount you have provided for is ambiguous and cannot proceed to bid The amount you have provided for is ambiguous and cannot proceed to bid Firefox -58 Pass [Ajay 10/7/2018 11:45 AM]: Invalid order quantity
3 Leave blank Leave blank space Cannot process a null request Cannot process a null request Firefox -58 Pass [Ajay 10/7/2018 11:46 AM]: Null order value


Test Scenario ID Login-1 Test Case ID Login-1B
Test Case Description Login – Negative test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite NA Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:
Test no Action Inputs Expected Output Actual Output Test Browser Test Result Test Comments
1 Launch application https://localhost:8080/onlineauctionsystem/login/ Online Auction Management System Home Online Auction Management System Home Firefox -58 Pass [Asad 10/7/2016 11:44 AM]: Launch successful
2 Enter invalid Email & any Password and hit login button Email id : 

Password: ******

The email address that you’ve entered doesn’t match any account.  Sign up for an account. The email address that you’ve entered doesn’t match any account. Sign up for an account. Firefox -58 Pass [Asad 10/7/2018 11:45 AM]: Invalid login attempt stopped
3 Enter valid Email & incorrect Password and hit login button Email id : 

Password: ******

The password that you’ve entered is incorrect. Forgotten password? The password that you’ve entered is incorrect. Forgotten password? Firefox -58 Pass [Asad 10/7/2018 11:46 AM]: Invalid login attempt stopped
Test Scenario ID Chat Test Case ID Chat
Test Case Description Chat with seller  – Positive test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite Chat Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:
Test no Action Inputs Expected Output Actual Output Test Browser Test Result Test Comments
1 Launch chat module https://localhost:8080/onlineauctionsystem/chat/ Online Auction Management System chats page Online Auction Management System chats page Firefox -58 Pass [Soumith 10/7/2018 13:44 AM]: Launch successful
2 Select a seller of item to chat Enter message Message sent successfully Message sent successfully Firefox -58 Pass [Soumith 10/7/2018 13:45 AM]: Sent successfully

12.2 Test tools

The following are the tools used in the testing of the workability and functionality of the application;

  • The box approach

The methods are divided into black and white box testing. They are used to describe the point of view of the tester when designing the test cases.

  • Component interface testing

The data was tested with the related subsystems to check the handling of data passing between various projects units and subsystems.

  • Visual testing

The software had the capacity of expressing the error messages to the developer in order for him to get information about the failure cause and fix it.

  • Gray-box testing

The tester, which was able to access the source code to assess the various unit functions of the software developed


Roles & responsibility

Name Roles Responsibility
Soumith Web Developer and designer
  • To design the whole user interface
  • help the other members in coding phase
Asad Ishtiaq Data base designer and Developer
  • To create and manage the database for the application
Ajay Project manager and Developer
  • To manage the entire project and development

 Table 1.2 Roles and responsibilities

Project timeline

Tasks week
Planning and gathering requirement Week 3
Analysis Week4
Database designing Week5
Application design Week6
New registration and sign in Week7
Auction management Week8
Communication (chat option) Week9
Application Implementation Week10
Application testing Week11

Table 1.3 project timeline


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