Impact of Implementing IT System

Impact of Implementing the IT System

This dissertation project is based on the implementation of a new IT system known as ‘XXX’ in ABC Ltd. a leading bank in Sri Lanka. The department in which this dissertation is based on is the Fund Administration department, which is involved in carrying out daily reconciliation packs of various financial instruments. This is somewhat of a professional service offered by the bank to its clients.

The system which is to be implemented is a tailor made software which compliments the activities carried out by a fund administrator in ABC Ltd.

The purpose of implementing such a system is to replace the current operating process, which is based on Microsoft Office applications, to a more customized system. The new system will allow employees to gather computer generated reports rather than the previous macro driven systems.

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The contributing factor behind the implementation of the new IT system within ABC Ltd. is purely to be in par with changing technology and to enhance the existing system to maximize productivity and efficiency. Resulting in higher quality and accuracy.

Understanding change and change management is a key factor for successful execution. Therefore this project is of great use to the author’s organization in order to evaluate how change should be understood and managed to achieve successful results and overcome any possible bottlenecks along the process.

1.1 Objectives

Identify and explain the process of change when introducing a new IT system.

Define what is ‘change’, ‘change management’ and various change management models through a range of academic & practitioner literature.

Recognize the link between change and organizational culture.

Undertake primary research by means of interviews and questionnaires to gain qualitative data relating to the introduction of the new IT system ‘XXX’.

Finally to include recommendations and conclusions in order to indentify how best change can be managed and executed in ABC Ltd.

2.0 The theoretical perspective

2.1 Literature Review

The main analysis of the author’s dissertation aims to understand what is change and change management.

When considering change, Adams (2006,p.36) states, “ We are creatures of habit. We like predictability. Change means breaking habits. It means a permanent breach with the old routine”.

In order to encounter better results it is said that one must, at an individual level be willing to change oneself (Tkachuk, 2003, p.13). Therefore the link between the two statements above is that one must embrace change rather than avoid it.

In essence to ensure the required change takes place, people should choose to change (Ash, 2009, p.2).

Another more appropriate way to express the word change and to reflect its meaning in today’s context a review by Liu et al. (2009) states, “Today’s dynamic work environment is witnessing the effects of globalization, technology advances, complex multinational organizations, more borders and company boundaries and other enablers and accelerators of change. No longer will companies have the luxury of expecting day-to-day operations to fall into a predictable pattern that is interrupted only occasionally by short bursts of change. The new normal is continuous change”.

The above definitions of change form the base to understanding what is change management, accordingly change management can be looked at different perspectives as follows,

Ettorre (1999,p. 8) described change management as follows; “Real world change management is usually a messy, trial-and-error affair. Managers are beginning to understand that they cannot simply delegate the work of managing change to others. They must become instruments of change themselves, inspiring the troops and becoming deeply involved in the effort”.

Another similar view was observed by, Liu et al. (2004) “Success at large scale transformation demands more than the best strategic and tactical plans, the traditional focus of senior executives and their advisers. It requires an intimate understanding of the human side, as well as the company’s culture, values, people and behaviours that must be changed to deliver the desired results. Plans themselves do not capture value. Value is realized only through the sustained, collective actions of thousands or tens of thousands of employees who are responsible for designing, executing and living the change”

A more brief view to understanding what is change management is reflected by the tools techniques and procedures involved to allow an organization to manage the change that affects its employees (people side of change), and by which achieving the desired result (Creasey, 2009).

3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 objectives of the research

The two main research methods under consideration is qualitative & quantitative research. The objective of carrying out qualitative research is to assess employee attitudes and perceptions with regard to the new system and the change at hand.

Secondly quantitative research methods would allow the author to gauge quantifiable means of understanding various groups of employees and area’s of improvement.

3.2 Type of research Methods

Qualitative Research Methods

Under qualitative methods the author would consider focus groups, one to one interviews with relevant operational level management, colleagues and peers.

Quantitative Research Methods

More emphasis will be given to questionnaires by means of e-mail.

3.3 Sampling

The sampling will consist of employees of ABC Ltd., the current head count stands at 150 staff members within the department. Out of which 135 are fund administrators and the remaining 15 work in the capacity of operational level management and top-level management.

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This sample has been considered because change due to the new system directly affects all staff members of this division (150 staff members). Therefore they are the main element, which this process of change revolves around.

3.4 Accumulation and interpretation of data

The method in which the information is to be gathered under the above mentioned qualitative and quantitative methods are as follows,

Focus groups – A select group of candidates would engage in a sharing of opinions & views, and will be recorded as and when the discussion takes place.

Questionnaires – A pre-prepared questionnaire will be emailed to random group of individual included in the sample. It would be analyzed thereafter.

Finally the Recommendations will be given based on the interpretation of the data on the course of action to be taken and the approach to managing change.

4.0 Referencing

Ash, P. (2009) Fast and Effective Change Management. Available at: (Accessed: 30 December 2010).

Booz, Allen, Hamilton (2004) Ten guiding principles of change management. Available at: (Accessed: 15 December 2010).

Creasey, T. (2009) Prosci: Defining change management. Available at: (Accessed: 30 December 2010).


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